Acne Treatment Specialists

Dermatologists are the true experts when it comes to treating acne. We specialize in acne treatment at Houston Dermatology Specialists in Cypress and Magnolia, Texas. Acne is a very common skin condition which can be persistent and cause emotional distress. Acne can also lead to skin discoloration and scarring, which may be permanent. In our experience as Houston’s acne treatment specialists, patients who begin treatment of acne with the help of a skilled dermatologist report higher quality of life once their skin starts to improve.

What causes acne?

There are a few primary causes of acne, including:

  • Excess oil (sebum) production
  • Clogged pores
  • Bacteria
  • Inflammation

Most of the time, these conditions are triggered by:

  • Hormonal changes, often during the teen years
  • Medications, including corticosteroids or testosterone treatments
  • Diet, especially high-glycemic foods
  • Stress
Dr. Christopher Downing, double board certified dermatologist and Mohs Surgeon at Houston Dermatology Specialists; Dr. Joel Byrne, dermatologist at Houston Dermatology Specialists; Bianca Barrera - Physician Assistant Certified; Dr. Rachel Gordon, board certified dermatologist
Dr. Christopher Downing, double board certified dermatologist and Mohs Surgeon at Houston Dermatology Specialists; Dr. Joel Byrne, dermatologist at Houston Dermatology Specialists; Bianca Barrera - Physician Assistant Certified; Dr. Rachel Gordon, board certified dermatologist

Your Partners in Skin Health

Houston Dermatology Specialists is committed to improving your skin health and quality of life through personalized medical and cosmetic dermatology treatments and services. Your comfort, satisfaction, and results are our top priorities, which is apparent from the exceptional level of personal and professional attention you receive from our entire team.

What are my acne treatment options?

Your treatment plan will depend on the type of acne you have, what treatments you have tried, your age, and whether there is evidence of scarring or the potential of scarring. Many patients are treated successfully with OTC creams and washes or mild prescription topical therapies. Houston Dermatology Specialists also offers chemical peels for the treatment of acne. Other patients may benefit from the addition of an oral antibiotic, a hormonal therapy (women only), and/or isotretinoin therapy.

Isotretinoin Therapy

Some patients with acne will benefit from isotretinoin therapy, an oral medication known by brand names such as Absorica® and previously as Accutane®. Christopher Downing, M.D., FAAD; Rachel Gordon, M.D., FAAD; and Joel Byrne, M.D. are trusted Cypress dermatologists who have successfully treated hundreds of people with this proven medication.

Dr. Downing, Dr. Gordon, or Dr. Byrne will review your medical history, type of acne, and treatment goals to determine if this medication is appropriate for you. Most people see acne-free skin after a 4-to-6-month course. You will be monitored carefully while on this medication, and you can rest assured that you are under the conscientious care of an experienced, board-certified dermatologist.

Chemical Peels

Certain chemical peels may control breakouts and minimize hyperpigmentation from previous acne or acne scars. We offer:

  • Jessner peels
  • Glycolic acid peels
  • Lactic acid peels
  • Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels

Most peels involve some recovery time, which includes sensitivity and flaking and may last anywhere from a couple of days to 2 weeks. Your dermatologist will recommend the best peel type and intensity for your specific type of acne or acne scarring.

Can acne scarring be treated?

When lingering acne scars constantly remind you of past breakouts and affect your self-esteem, it’s time to take action. Our acne treatment specialists offer a range of solutions, including chemical peels, SkinPen® microneedling, and laser skin treatments. During your consultation, we’ll assess factors such as your skin type and the extent of your acne scarring, before mapping out the most effective treatment approach.

Acne Treatment FAQs

What’s the best treatment for acne?

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for acne. After thoroughly assessing your skin, we’ll develop a treatment plan based on considerations such as your age, the type of acne you have, previous treatments, and any existing scarring or potential for scarring.

How long before my acne goes away after I start treatment?

Most professional acne treatments take time. Many patients notice some improvement in 4 to 6 weeks, but it can take 2 to 3 months or longer to achieve optimal results. It’s not uncommon for some medications and treatments to cause acne to worsen before revealing smoother, clearer skin.

Does acne always scar?

Not always. Usually, your skin heals without leaving behind scars. During a breakout, inflammation can cause trauma to skin tissue, leading to scarring. Acne scars are more likely to develop in cases where the acne is deep within the skin or if you try to get rid of the acne on your own by picking, popping, or squeezing at pimples.

Does acne go away on its own?

In some cases, acne may go away without treatment, but chronic issues such as excess oil production, clogged pores, inflammation, hormonal changes, and lifestyle factors can exacerbate acne. It’s best to seek out an acne treatment specialist when early symptoms are present so that you can take control of your skin, avoid feeling self-conscious, and reduce the possibility of scarring.

Request Your Acne Treatment Specialists Consultation

To meet with one of our skincare specialists, please request a consultation online or give us a call at (713) 487-8233. We look forward to meeting you.

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